NEEDS WORK!!! Cool concept but hard to make sense out a new game without instructions or tutorial of some sort. Win the race and it says fatal loss???
I want this game to succeed so much because it has so much potential. But in its current state it is so bad... and every update keeps getting worse instead of better. First they put an ad at the bottom that interfered with the steering wheel. They didnt fix the physics problem where the car would get pulled in to the wall, instead they updated it now and you cant even drive a car without paying more money for in game credits. It is unclear how much the credits are actually even going to cost, it says in game: R$700,00 credits but when you click on it you have to enter your password. TinyUtopia please get all the bugs worked out before you ask people to pay for this!
If you like racing games with a continual banner ad at the bottom of your screen when racing and mega iaps along with full screen popup ads then this games for you.
Drivers die if you bump too much. Pay real $ to buy drivers. Gimme an effing break. This iap model is pathetic.
The graphics look quite good, but the steering wheel drives me crazy. Some regular gas/brake buttons on the right and left/right buttons on the left would make this game infinitely more playable. Ill try it again if they make those changes.
Not even sure how you play the game when you start with 0 credits and no car to start with. Oh and every click results in a pop-up ad.
Promising and nice-looking but disappointing due to the limited control and single P.O.V. As noted by others, too many ads -- or the same ad too many times as you move through screens.
Easily the most wasteful game on App Store. Someone spent a bit too much time designing the menu vs the game it self. I hope the creators of this game do not make another game. They will be wasting their time